Culture, Drink, Meritales

What To Drink In 2021, According To Your Sign

Posted on 27 Jan 2021

With the-year-that-must-not-be-named finally behind us, it’s time to look ahead, care of your 2021 horoscope. According to Emma Vidgen, astrologer at The Wayward, 2021 is the year to establish new foundations that are more aligned with your values. “Doing things you care about will be more important than ever, but change will be constant, so it’s important to stay grounded. It’s a heady energy – finding a way to manage overthinking tendencies will be essential.” With unwinding very much seeming to be the order of the universe, we’ve enlisted resident beverage guru, Paul Mant to select the drink best suited to your next chapter. Good luck, and bottoms up.


aries star sign illustration

Key focus: Friends, community, hopes and dreams.

What it means: Forging a new foundation around your social life will be a focus this year. This could mean making new friends, finding a community of people who share your values, or establishing new traditions with your mates.

Paul’s recommendation: “Get the crew together and bond over a few shared litres of Negroni at either of the Totti’s venues. Perfect with antipasti.”


taurus star sign illustration

Key focus: Career.

What it means: Your professional life will take centre stage this year. This could mean a complete career change, a pivot into a different area of expertise, or a work/life balance perspective shift.

Paul’s recommendation: “Nothing beats a knock-off drink. Hotel CBD, The Grand, Angel and The Wynyard are all great for networking, people watching, or discreetly meeting your prospective new employer. Grab a glass of the Jasper; a classic sauvignon blanc that hits the spot, everytime.”


gemini zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Beliefs, spirituality, learning and travel.

What it means: Core beliefs will be the focus of your year. You may become super interested in a political or spiritual framework, quit work and go travelling (borders permitting), or start studying something new. This year is all about building new things and expanding your horizons.

Paul’s recommendation: “If learning is a priority, go and sit at the bar at Charlie Parker’s and chat to the team about the new garden on the roof. Most of the drinks on the menu features produce grown by them on site, and they’re doing some really innovative stuff. My pick is the shared serve of fat washed Absolut and strawberry shrub. It’s a drink for two that you make yourselves which is a real unique experience.”


cancer zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Shared finances and assets.

What it means: Your 2021 will centre around shared resources – both emotionally and financially. This might mean getting better with boundaries so that you’re no longer the person everyone calls in a crisis (only to have them vanish in your time of need), or perhaps it means investing in property or shares with a loved one. Building wealth or consolidating assets in a new and innovative way will be a major theme.

Paul’s recommendation: “Jump online and order the Big Box Of Beers from The Bottle Shop. There’s 24 different types of beer inside, from Pale Ales, to Japanese Lager, guaranteed to get the conversation and inspiration flowing. Collaboration juice!”


meritales leo zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: One-on-one relationships.

What it means: Romantic relationships and business partnerships are under the microscope and set for a big shake up this year. Establishing new ground rules so your relationships are reflective of the things you value most in life will be central to 2021.

Paul’s recommendation: “If we’re talking dates & romance, you can’t go past cocktails at Little Felix. The Raconteur – made with Plymouth Gin, Yellow Chartreuse, Monkey 47 and Macvin Du Jura – is chemistry in a glass.”


meritales virgo zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Health and daily life.

What it means: This year, it’s time to get serious about your health and wellbeing and establishing new practices that stick. It might be going vegan, (or eating meat after years of vegetarianism), joining a gym, quitting smoking, or learning to meditate. This is your year to change it up, and change it for good.

Paul’s recommendation: “All our venues now carry non-alcoholic alternatives for wine, beer and spirits. When I’m having a dry month, I usually drink Seedlip Grove with soda. It’s super tasty, and makes it easier to partake in social outings – health intact!”


meritales libra zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Creativity and play.

What it means: Luckily for you, this year is about fun! It’s time to prioritise play and creativity the same way our society prioritises productivity and work. Get serious about your art, commit to a creative practice and carve out time to socialise, laugh, or do things just for the joy of it.

Paul’s recommendation: When it comes to creativity, the team at Will’s are really pushing the boundaries. There’s a drink there called a Lake Hiller, which contains tequila, habanero, raspberry, rhubarb and bitter-lime, garnished with a raspberry nasturtium leaf, that’s simply unreal.”


meritales scorpio zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Home and family life.

What it means: The time has come to forge a new foundation regarding your home and family life. This could mean moving to a new suburb or state, or rethinking the way you relate to your family. Maybe you stay home with the kids and your partner goes to work, or perhaps you move in with family to save for a house. For you, 2021 is about doing your home life, differently.

Paul’s recommendation: “Do yourself a favour and order the Curly Flat Pinot Noir from The Bottle Shop online. It’s a beautiful Australian red, and a great one to crack alongside a home-cooked meal.”


meritales sagittarius zodiac sign

Key focus: Communication, learning and business.

What it means: This is the year to study something new, start a YouTube channel or change the direction of your business. Reconsidering how you use your voice and how you process information will be a big theme for 2021.

Paul’s recommendation: “New year, new you! Seltzer is the drink of the moment, and all the cool kids are drinking it. We’ve got a great one on tap at The Newport called Lucky Drop – very drinkable, low on sugar, and seriously refreshing.”


meritales capricorn zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Finances and self-worth.

What it means: The way you earn money, save money, spend money – it’s all set to change in 2021. You may scale back your expenses so you can work less and have more free time. Or you may come up with a new way to make cash on the side. Building wealth and self-worth are all major priorities for you this year.

Paul’s recommendation:The Beresford is by far one of the most welcoming venues in Sydney – it’s the equivalent of a big, warm hug. And if you’re looking to save money, you can’t go past a $6 Furphy pint during happy hour.”


meritales aquarius zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Identity, appearance and sense of self.

What it means: This will be a huge year of transformation, forcing you to let go of outdated identities – whether it’s the way you dress or the way you identify – and find a way to show up in a more authentic way. Showing the “real you” – whatever that means for you – is what this year is all about.

Paul’s recommendation: “In terms of aspiration – or if you’re simply keen for a bit of spoiling – the caviar & vodka service at Mimi’s is up there on the Sydney to-do list.”


meritales pisces zodiac sign illustration

Key focus: Rest and solitude.

What it means: You’re prone to giving so much of yourself you burn out, and this year you’ll learn how to establish stronger boundaries, giving you more time to rest and recharge when needed. More quiet time, less being-everything-to-everyone, and – if it’s your jam – more introspective practices like meditation and journaling.

Paul’s recommendation: “Heading out for a solo drink? Go and visit Kate, the new venue manager at J&M. They reopen at the end of Jan and she’s as good a bartender as you’ll find for drinks, chat and whiskey knowledge. As for what to order, try the Life of Brine. It’s made with Lot 40 Whiskey, Martell Cognac, cacao, smoked tea and olive, for a sophisticated and relaxing sip.”

Keen to learn more about what’s in store for 2021? Head over the The Wayward for a spot of inspiration and book a one-on-one reading with Emma.

Words by Tahlia Calvisi

Illustrations by Rosa Morgan